International Longevity Alliance Heales Sens Research Foundation
Mark Wexler
Mark Wexler

Mark Wexler

Mark Simon Wexler is an American documentary filmmaker and photojournalist.

He is known for his films Me and My Matchmaker, How to Live Forever, Tell Them Who You Are and Airforce One.

The Washington Post dubbed him “our latter-day Phineas Fogg” following publication of his Los Angeles Times article “True Confessions of a Mileage Maniac” about his 30 day global circumnavigation, entirely financed with Frequent Flier miles. The accompanying self portraits were published in The Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine. Wexler was interviewed live on The Today Show regarding his expertise on the topic of life extension.

Wexler’s 2010 film, How to Live Forever, followed the filmmaker’s quest for eternal youth. In interviews with a wide variety of subjects, including fitness legend Jack LaLanne, author Ray Bradbury, futurist Aubrey de Gray and inventor Ray Kurzweil, the film invited viewers to consider ways to live a long life, but one that is also meaningful.

He is the son of legendary filmmaker and two-time Oscar-winning cinematographer Haskell Wexler.