Elena Milova
Elena Milova is a Member of the Board of Directors of the crowdfunding platform Lifespan.io and the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation, she is also an Honorary Member of the International Longevity Alliance, supporting the various advocacy projects of this group.
She has been a longevity activist and advocate since 2013, when she first started to organize educational events to make new evidence-based methods of healthy life extension more popular.
The last few years have seen Elena leading some successful projects in Russia, aimed at spreading the idea of healthy longevity among decision makers as well as the general public.
Several years of lobbying resulted in the inclusion of her propositions in the strategic program documents of the Russian Federation related to the problems of the elderly. She is a co-author of the book “Aging Prevention for All” (in Russian, 2015), where, among other topics, she is sharing how to facilitate the adoption of the healthy lifestyle to promote the period of good health.
In 2015, she helped to shape and coordinate the successful crowdfunding campaign of the Major Mouse Testing Program – a study of Senolytic drug combinations on mouse lifespan.
Elena graduated with a bachelor’s in both psychology and foreign languages and is now working to earn her PhD in sociology in relation to public attitudes towards life extension technologies.