Didier Coeurnelle, co-director
Didier is Co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), European non-profit organization promoting and advocating scientific research into longevity and biogerontology. Heales publishes a monthly newsletter of information: “La mort de la mort” (The Death of the Death) and organizes international conferences. Vice-president of the French association AFT-Technoprog, that aims to spread the themes and questions related to technologies that could extend and enhance the lives of individuals and of humankind. Member of the board of the International Longevity Alliance.
Author of the books “Et si on arrêtait de vieillir! Réalité, enjeux et perspectives d’une vie en bonne santé beaucoup plus longue” (2013) and “Technoprog. Le transhumanisme au service du progrès social”. With Marc Roux (2016). Jurist and active member of social and environmental movements for more than 20 years. Key vision: communicating.